If you are a staff of 5, or fewer, marketing with any kind of consistency can seem next to impossible. Even without a dedicated marketing and communications writer on staff, smaller organizations are actually at an advantage.

Here are 3 reasons why:

You can start marketing immediately

You can decide, this minute, to fire up your computer, write up some marketing content, and post it to your website, social media feed, or blog. There’s no wall of bureaucracy or chain of command to make you wait, submit a draft proposal, or hand in a preliminary plan. You can keep things simple and set your course.

You know your target audience

I’m guessing you are closely involved with the people you serve. You’ve laughed with them, you’ve guided them, and perhaps even taken their calls after hours. You’ve seen them time and again at community fundraisers and neighborhood forums.

Your intuitive insight allows you to effortlessly communicate in a language and with a message donor, constituents, and clients can easily understand.

You’re flexible

If your current content strategy isn’t working, you can switch gears without too much hand wringing. Your team can come to quick agreements on strategy shifts. You can keep things moving with minimal downtime.

There is no one “right’ way to do marketing. 

While it can feel like a gargantuan undertaking to set aside time to get your marketing content done, smaller organizations can accomplish plenty. Want to increase your odds of making it happen? Check out my ebook, Quick Start Guide to Content Marketing for Smaller Orgs.